This website is a work in progress towards an overview, as complete as possible, of the 'eco-cathedral projects' by ‘ecotect’ and ‘wild gardener’ Louis le Roy (1924-2012), each with images from different periods, a short description and links to publications and TIME line.
In addition, we are making an inventory of all publications by and about Le Roy in newspapers, books, magazines, book chapters (essays) and theses and dissertations. These can be downloaded as PDF as far as we have been able to find or make them.
Besides that an overview of film and video and radio broadcasts from/about Le Roy in presented. For now only the 'official' video, so actual broadcasts on television or officially released as a (film) documentary. Where possible, a link to the video and/or broadcast is provided.
Also under development: documents related to projects, biography, lectures and exhibitions. With the contact form vistitors are invited to communicate additions, corrections and comments on the use of this beta release and of course offer general encouragement.
The basic language of this website is Dutch, since more than 80% of publications are in Dutch too.
There are, however, also many articles and some video produced in English, German and French languages to be found on this website. At the moment these can be recognized and consulted by their foreign language title.
The texts of the project-description are still only in Dutch, but we are working on translations for these in the near future, as well as adding a choice of language in the different menu-items.
Submenu items under menu Publications:
Boeken (Books)
Dagbladen (Newspapers)
Tijdschriften (Magazines)
Essays - Boekhoofdstukken (singular essays and/of chapters from books)
Webpublicaties (Webpublications)
Scripties-Dissertaties (Doctoral thesis and other singular academic work)
This database-generated website - although of course usable independently - has been set up and supplemented with data and meta-data in preparation for the publication of a monograph on the ideas and work of Louis le Roy, which is expected to be published on the 100th birthday of Louis le Roy in 2024.
Ongoing: an inventory of all photo’s and slides by Louis le Roy (ca 10.000 items)
Editing and management Werkgroep Oeuvre Louis le Roy: Piet Vollaard and Rob Hendriks.
Webmaster and technical management: Peter Wouda.
Graphic design website:
"Letters from Cergy-Pontoise"
As a first production (in Dutch, alas) of the working group, the publication 'Brieven uit Cergy-Pontoise en enige andere steden' will be published (in Dutch, sorry) on 31-10-2022, with an integral publication of the letters that Louis le Roy wrote from 1979-1983 to the architecture and urbanism magazine Plan.You can order the book here.
Status this version October 2023:
Projecten (Projects): not yet completed and/or not yet fully added with meta-data.
- Publicaties and Media (Publications and Media): (for now) complete, except for links to projects and tags, but it is an ongoing process of addition and adjustment.
- Documenten (Documents): in progress.
- Gebeurtenissen (Events): in progress
Stichting Tijd (Time Foundation)
For more information on Louisl e Roy, his projects and the activities of Stichting TIJD, a foundation that was set up for this goel by Le Roy himself